
Smash Designs

Smash Designs is coming together... T-shirts, hats, bracelets and art! Pics Coming Soon!




I know It's kind of ...very cliche to post goals and shii about the new year, but I feel Im serious about these so I will share.

1.) Be patient. (at work and at home)
2.) Be positive. keep my chin up.
3.) Get my ass in the gym at least 3 times a week.
4.) Learn to cook. (We'll start simple... spaghetti anyone?)
5.) Organize. (Less mess = less stress)
6.) Quit drinking that damn soda. Now!
7.) Save money. For real this time.
8.) Be creative in everyway possible. Think outside the box. (paint more)

Here's to a better year! 2011 was tough. ... who am I kidding? It sucked. Kicked my ass to the curb a few times. But Im moving on. Bettering myself and focusing on the good stuff. Here's to success! Heaven help me to enjoy my job at least one day this year. Here's to new friendships. Whether I pursue them or they come my way. I will embrace them. New people welcome excitement, joy and happiness. Here's to family! I love them more than anything. I look forward to a closer relationships with each one of them. Here's to a new family... and the love of my life. May we further our relationship this year. (effing cheesy. but - its real.) Happy New Year! May 2012 bring good tidings. (fingers crossed, pretty pretty please?) :)




I do enjoy art. A lot. whether it be painting. or music or whatevs. this dude is good. check him out! I'm wanting to purchase some myself... A few of my favorites of his include:

1.) Ain't It a Beauty?
2.) Melting Face
3.) Exploding Beauty

4.) Provo Life

5.) The Journey (In Color)
6.) I Live In Utah

But hey! they all kick ass... check em out :) Also, a strong wind whispered to me that he is making clothing with his art on them... (I work at the tshirt shop) haha.

Thanks for the art Salvador!


Um yeah, its December and I know my blog is not updated.

what can I say, I'm a busy woman. lol I do quite enjoy this blogging thing tho. I need to do this more often.

   oh... so I painted today :) I like it. I should upload my past paintings.

*note to self, upload painting pics*

so anyways... I know anyways in improper grammar and just to stick it everyone, I say anyways, anyway... s. haha

I have started a new job.. well new since november.. aaand It sucks.  Kanye might say, "Ima tryna keep ma head up"... but damn. its terrible.

well, here's a pic of the day... all I can say is thank you People of Walmart and um... enjoy:



I'm exhausted, and burnt out. Somebody pull me away from this desk! Help me!


I'm fairly bummed that I cannot post to my blog via text message AND upload a picture along with it. No picture will have to do until I return home :)


Um hi, I just want to officially proclaim my love for my phone. Yes, It's the one and only HTC Evo. Pure Beauty.

Old People.

You know what is so utterly annoying? - old people who refuse to learn how to use the internet. Come on people. Step into this day and age and accept the fact that this is how the world now functions! ugh.

... my way of coping? blogging :) -cuz they'll never see it.